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Updates on 2019 Retreats & Pilgrimages – Join Us!

We are currently registering for four retreats and pilgrimages in Ireland next spring 2019.

Please note: From June 2019-June 2020 the Abbey will be taking some sabbatical time and no live programs will be offered then. After the dates above, the next live programs will be scheduled in fall 2020.

Due to fewer programs being on offer the ones currently available are starting to fill even more quickly than usual. Please get in touch with us if you are interested in joining us! Happy to answer any questions.

March 26-April 3, 2019

Soul’s Slow Ripening – Monastic Wisdom for Discernment (Ireland)

Limited to 12 participants
For details and registration click here>>

April 14-19, 2019

Sacred Rhythms of Sky, Sun, Sea, and Stone:
An Embodied Writing and Voice Retreat on the island of Inismor (Ireland)

Limited to 16 participants
For details and registration click here>>

April 27-May 3, 2019

Writing on the Wild Edges on the Island of Inismor (Ireland)

Limited to 16 participants
For details and registration click here>> (Only five spaces left!)

May 28-June 5, 2019

Monk in the World Pilgrimage in Ireland (Ireland)

Limited to 12 participants
For details and registration click here>> (Only three spaces left!)

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