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Welcome Home Sourney!

Each year for the past four years we have fostered a dog from one of the local shelters during our quiet season. Each year, when the time came to pass the dog we had grown so much affection for to their forever home, it was always with a mix of sadness and joy. I am grateful to all those families who keep in touch with photos of the life those dogs are loving.

Chime arrived to us just after Imbolc, the first awakening of spring. We quickly realized the name didn’t work for her and started calling her Sourney after one of the local women saints near Galway and her ears perked up right away. She is a 2-year old Patterdale terrier, who had been found wandering and undernourished, and one of the sweetest, gentlest, most patient canine souls I have had the pleasure of encountering.

So after much discernment of both the practical and heart-centered kind, we have decided that this time Sourney is already home. I couldn’t bear the thought of giving her away. It was a hard choice because we host a lot of groups, several of which we travel for. Then our dear friend Aisling stepped in to say she would be happy to dogsit those times we need it and was able to commit to our dates. And we have received similar offers from several friends here, so there will be lots of folks we can call upon for support.

Sourney is now an official part of our family, all the paperwork has been completed, donations paid. I love having an animal body in our home again as a regular feature with her love of snuggles and play. Soulful and oh so quiet, she fits right in as an Abbey mascot. 

Welcome home Sourney!

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