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Fasting from Anxiety + Radical Hospitality ~ A love note from your online abbess

Dearest monks, artists, and pilgrims,

2-19-2016 Poetry Party PhotoI have two reflections and two poems for you this week. Read on for more goodness from the Abbey. . .

I continue my Lenten series at Patheos this week on A Different Kind of Fast. This week I explore fasting from anxiety and entering into a radical stance of trust through the practice of Sabbath-keeping. Click here to read the article>>

I also have a guest post this week at the wonderful website Monasteries of the Heart on the practice of radical hospitality and inviting in holy disruption. Click here read the article>>

I am also delighted to have two poems published at the Galway Review website: “Holy Mountain” which is inspired by St. Patrick and “Last night I dreamt I was. . .” which is a love poem. You can read both poems here>>

With great and growing love,


Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, REACE

Photo © Christine Valters Paintner

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One Response

  1. I enjoyed each writing listed in your Abbeyofthearts letter. To be able to welcome in the grief and thoughts when things are falling apart while having a cup of tea sounds so refreshing and soothing to my soul. Then, to be able to fast 40 days to the point of not being hungry so a person feels satisfied being present with the Lord, is something I hope to achieve some day. For now, I can only take one day at a time, spending time with the Lord in His Word, prayer, and contemplative prayer.

    Thank you for sharing your God inspired writings that motivate those of us yearning to be closer to God everyday.