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Monk in the World guest post: Gerry O’Neill

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission for the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Gerry O’Neill’s poem about ways to practice the sacrament of Communion.

Strange Communion

No altar,
No bread or wine,
No priest,
No word spoken
To stir the dangerous memory of Jesus (John Baptist Metz)

The drama is enacted
Under a different form:
Paper cup, coffee and hot roll,
Offered up
In a liturgy of love.

The salivated cup passes,
From lip to lip,
Measured bites so all may have food
For the journey
To the sheltered workshop.

Real presence in the sharing,
Joy that is blind
To the disapproving glances
Of those who fail to see
The depth in this encounter.

Tears well up
And overflow in gratitude,
For the gift of Eucharist
Made present,
In strange communion,

Do this in memory of me!

GerryGerry holds Masters’ Degree in both Education and Theology. In recent years he has served as Director of Mission for St John of God Health Care in Western Australia and currently holds the position of Regional Formation Manager for the Sisters of St John of God Ministries.

He has been key-note speaker at a number of conferences, published work in the Enneagram, Leadership and Visioning. Currently, he is offering a range of formation workshops that are designed to support those who are charged with the responsibility of continuing the healing mission of Jesus Christ in education, health, welfare and outreach to those on the margins of society.


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