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Carl McColman reflects on The Soul of a Pilgrim

Pilgrimage book coverMy newest book The Soul of a Pilgrim is being featured at Patheos’ Book Club for the first half of June. Carl McColman, blogger at A Contemplative Faith offers these beautiful words in reflection:

“Christine Valters Painter is one of the most creative and visionary of spiritual directors with a meaningful online presence. Her website, Abbey of the Arts, functions as a sort of “cyber-cloister,” a place of quiet presence and spiritual nurture where participants are invited to encounter God not only through the words and practices of contemplative spirituality, but also — and perhaps more significantly — through creative expression.”

Click here to read the rest of Carl’s reflection>>

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End of Year Giving

Your donations help us make what we do fully accessible to all who desire to be a part of this virtual monastery and gathering of kindred spirits. It is because of your generosity that we are able to offer many free resources – such as our

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Melanie-Préjean Sullivan

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Melanie-Préjean Sullivan’s reflection on her morning prayer practice. I have always been a student of spirituality. From the time I could read,

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