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Creating Local Tribes of Dancing Monks

With the advent of the Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks and the way this community continues to grow, I am finding myself called to listen to ways the Abbey can support you in creating your own small groups and gathering circles with others in your local community, for in-person dancing monk delight.

1. On all self-study and selected community online classes I am now offering a small group discount when you register together with others.  My hope is that this might encourage you to gather a small group of kindred spirits together and have a structured format of material to reflect on and we have such a wonderful variety of courses available.  The current discount is 20% off when 2 people register together, 30% off for 3, 40% off for 4 and above. Please contact me by email to request an invoice.

2. If you already have an Abbey-inspired group with whom you gather together – whether around one of my books (I have heard of many Artist’s Rule groups forming in different places) I would love to hear about it, how your group gathers and reflects together, and what further support you might need.  Please email me!

3. At some point in the future I would love to create a forum online where you can connect with other monks in your own area seeking a tribe of kindred spirits to help facilitate those connections.  It would need to require a low level of administration, but if anyone has specific ideas for how this might work,or if this is something that would feel supportive to you, please let me know.

4. I am also beginning to consider creating a resource that would offer support for small group facilitation skills, and offer you a place to begin when gathering a new group together including how you might structure your time, share facilitation, and discern the focus of your time together.  This will take some time to create, but I am feeling much inspiration here.  If you have any suggestions or specific things that would be helpful, please send me a note.

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