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Virtual Book Tour: Interview at Faith Squared

Today’s stop on the Virtual Book Tour is at Faith Squared, where the lovely Liz Rasmussen interviews me and also is hosting a book giveaway if you leave a comment there before this Wednesday, May 29th:

Eyes of the HeartAlizabeth: You’ve said before that writing is your main creative form. How does photography support you in your writing, and vice versa?

Christine: When I first started writing my blog, I loved the ability to post images to accompany the reflections I had written.  Somehow, the combination of word and image together seemed to express more than just one or the other.

My training in the arts comes mainly from the field of the expressive arts, which engages the arts for healing and transformation, rather than trying to create a beautiful product.  One of the fundamental principles of the expressive arts is what is known as multi-modal exploration.  It recognizes that there is a deeper kind of wisdom that comes from creating a piece of visual art, then writing about it, and then perhaps dancing from the images.  Moving from language to language reveals new insights that might not happen with just one art form.  This can happen in any order, the important part is engaging multiple ways of creating.

It calls to mind for me the ancient monks who labored over the illuminated manuscripts and writing the sacred texts of scripture, but adding many design elements, flourishes, and images to enhance what they were expressing.  This has been my experience – that my writing is deepened and enhanced by my engagement with the visual art form of photography, allowing me to see the world in different ways than through words alone.

Click here to read the whole interview>>

Click here to purchase a copy of Eyes of the Heart>>

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