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Virtual Book Tour: Guest Post at June Mears Driedger – “Tending the Moments”

The next stop on the Virtual Book Tour is at June Mears Driedger‘s blog with a guest post from me on Tending the Moments.  June is also hosting a book giveaway if you leave a comment at her blog before this Wednesday:

Eyes of the HeartYou have undoubtedly had an experience similar to this: you are moving through a most ordinary day, when suddenly something shifts.  Where there was drudgery and habit, suddenly you become aware of the way sunlight is spilling across the living room rug and your heart breaks open at the splendor of it all.  Or you see a loved one in a new way and revel in their beauty.  Or maybe it is as simple as savoring the steam rising from your morning coffee, like incense lifting the longings of your heart.

We move through our lives, often at such speed, that our perception of time becomes contorted.  We begin to believe that life is about rushing as fast as we can, about getting as much done as possible. We are essentially skating across life’s surface, exhausted, and disoriented.

Click here to read the whole guest post>>

Click here to purchase a copy of Eyes of the Heart>>

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