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Give Me a Word 2013: Fourth annual Abbey giveaway

Share your Word for 2013

In ancient times, wise men and women fled out into the desert to find a place where they could be fully present to God and to their own inner struggles at work within them. The desert became a place to enter into the refiner’s fire and be stripped down to one’s holy essence. The desert was a threshold place where you emerged different than when you entered.

Many people followed these ammas and abbas, seeking their wisdom and guidance for a meaningful life. One tradition was to ask for a word –  this word or phrase would be something on which to ponder for many days, weeks, months, sometimes a whole lifetime. This practice is connected to lectio divina, where we approach the sacred texts with the same request – “give me a word” we ask – something to nourish me, challenge me, a word I can wrestle with and grow into.  The word which chooses us has the potential to transform us.

  • What is your word for the year ahead? A word which contains within it a seed of invitation to cross a new threshold in your life?

Share your word in the comments section by Tuesday, January 8th and you are automatically entered for the prize drawing (prizes listed below).

A free 12-day online mini-retreat to help your word choose you. . .

This year I am offering all Abbey newsletter subscribers a gift: a free 12-day online mini-retreat with a suggested practice for each day to help your word choose you and to deepen into your word once it has found you.

Sign up here and you can start your mini-retreat today. Once you subscribe you will receive a confirmation email with access to the mini-retreat content (and you are free to unsubscribe at any time).  If you are already a subscriber, the invitation will be in this week’s email newsletter.

Win a Prize – Random Drawing Giveaway on January 7th!

Some wonderful friends of the Abbey have offered fabulous prizes to be included in this  drawing held from all of the names who participate:

Pretty wonderful, isn’t it?  Make sure to check out the links to their websites for all kinds of goodness and thank them for supporting the Abbey!

So please share your word (and a sentence about what it means for you) with us below.  Subscribe to the Abbey newsletter for your free gift. Share the love with others and invite them to participate.  Then stay tuned – on January 7th I will announce the prize winners!

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844 Responses

  1. My word is story. It’s funny that I didn’t see it sooner. I have always been a storyteller. I’m a docent at my local art museum and I’m always talking about the “story” behind the art. Or asking people if they want to hear the artist’s story. I’ve kept a journal for years, so I’m also a story keeper, but never sought out what my particular story is or the stories in me that want to be written–so this year I’m embracing story, and writing stories, and poems and believing that my stories matter.

  2. “tending” a gentle discipline is what comes to mind when I think of this word. This is how I will be approaching positive changes in my life and deeper relationship w/Christ, finding purpose in my life.

  3. “abide” is my word of the year.

    I’ve never done one of these before, but realized that one picked me late in 2011 for 2012 (that was “be present”) … so gave it a shot. I signed up for your e-course, went off to chant Lauds and “inhabit” leapt into my mind mid-psalm. And I noodled on that, reviewed my year per your e-course, shared it with my Mum who declared it an “interesting” word … tried a different exercise another blogger suggested where “inhabit” popped up again ….

    And then yesterday, during the closing meditation at chair yoga, the instructor asked us to set an intention for the year. “I want to abide with you, Lord” popped into my head. And so, abide it is. I still need to run it by my spiritual director, but we don’t meet until next week, but I’m feeling like this is a word that’s chosen me.

    Today I shall unearth my camera and see if I can take a photo of something that exemplifies that either today on my walk or tomorrow…

  4. My word is: FLOWING
    When I heard the song ” Ever- Flowing ” by Velma Frye during the advent retreat, the phrase ” protect us from congealing ” hit me like a ton of bricks. I was so shut down within and without. The song continues to call me day and night so I receive the word FLOWING as my call for 2013 …. to be open to God’s transforming breath and let the flowing begin.

  5. My word is: REVITALIZE
    I quieted myself, even picturing myself in a desert setting waiting on a word to choose me. In that peaceful place this word popped into my mind, and as usual, I wondered if it was the one! But then I realized how it seemed to arrive out of nowhere (somewhere actually!) and rather than writhing over whether it was the ONE important word, I accepted it. The challenge is to allow God to work more vitality in me concerning my journey with Him and to exercise my writing and drawing talents more energetically for His glory!

  6. The word ‘presence awareness’ came to me at first. I looked for confirmation and other words to appear but the idea of being aware of presence within and without grips my being for the year ahead.

    It’s simplicity made me search for more and yet be satisfied with the now.

    I am looking toward what will be discovered on this journey of presence awareness.

  7. My word is OPEN.

    It came to me in a dream this morning. I couldn’t believe it…..5:09 am dreaming and at 5:10 awake with a revelation. To be honest, I think I had given up on the idea that a word would surface somehow from the sea of possibilities. Intellectually many words were appealing and possible but none felt authentic to the process. And then, it was there….open.

    “Open” and I are fast becoming friends and are already on the road to discovery.


  8. My word is Resonance. Big changes are coming this year, but I’m not sure of what they will be. Learning to really listen and sense when something touches my soul, then moving toward it is what I trust will guide me. Making time to listen and sense Resonance will be key.

  9. The word that calls to me is – “Be” –
    it means to exist or be true, to have presence or live
    My 2 year old Grandaughter helped me to confirm this word. As I was thinking about being present – she yelled out the word b, b, b and then on the TV there was a bee flying around and then the letter b displayed all over the TV. I got my message.

    I will “Be” – I will be true – I will be present – I will live – I Am