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Invitation to Photography: Kinship with Creation

Welcome to the Abbey Photo Party!

I select a theme and invite you to respond with images.

Our theme here at Abbey of the Arts for December is kinship with creation, so I invite you to reflect visually on your own sense of connection with the natural world.  What wisdom does nature offer to your life?

You can share images you already have, but I encourage you also to go for a walk with the theme in mind and see what you discover.

How to participate:

1. Go to the Flickr Group I have created. You need a free Flickr account first.  When you go to the link it will ask you to join the group first before posting.  Share as many as five of your images in response to the theme.

2. Leave a comment below to let us know you have joined the party and what your Flickr profile name is (this is essential to be entered into the prize drawing).

3. Please post the invitation on your blog or Facebook page and encourage others to come join the party!

On Sunday, December 9th– I will draw a name at random from those who participate and the winner will receive a space in one of my Self-Study Online Classes (with a choice from Soul of a Pilgrim, Eyes of the Heart, Water Wind Earth & Fire, Seasons of the Soul, or Lectio Divina)

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27 Responses

  1. My flickr name is Inkling#4. I appreciate all the different interpretations of ” kinship with creation.”

  2. Hello everyone! I’ve added three photos from my growing Flickr collection for the December theme ‘kinship with creation’ page.

    I live with my partner in Dallas, work in a company credit/compliance office by day and remainder of waking hours spent with dear friends and delving into my creative hobbies at home. This explosion of creative energy and finished pieces began just days into this 2012. So much has flowed from me that I created a website to house photos of my works at Prior to this journey, I had no desire to create any such art or even own a paintbrush or tools I currently use for such projects!

    While reading several online articles on artist’s creativity, I came across a link to the Abbey of the arts site. Subscribed to the e-mail newsletter and occasional updates, I found it so enlightening. Then I discovered Paintner’s books. I just downloaded Kindle version of The Artist’s Rule, Water Wind Earth & Fire, and Lectio Divina. Currently reading The Artist’s Rule and loving it! Just added the Monk Manifesto button to my site – a good fit for the content and derived source.

    Staying in touch,

    Randy Stewart

  3. I just joined the Flickr group and look forward to exploring this theme with the lens. My username is Foundfeather. Thank you for this opportunity.

  4. I have posted five pictures from my walks on Kodiak during the past several months. I walk daily out along the trails with my dogs in all types of weather but the pictures I have posted are some of my favourites.

    1. I encountered a Kodiak Brown Bear today while out experiencing kinship with creation…fortunately for me, the Creator was gracious and I walked away to commune with creation another day. Kodiak Brown bears are the largest land carnivore in the world. But my dearest Abbess, I probably won’t go commune with nature in that particular direction for a week or so….