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Invitation to Poetry: The Center and the Edges

Welcome to the Abbey’s Poetry Party #57!

I select an image and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your own poem. Scroll down and add it in the comments section below. Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the image and invitation on your blog (if you have one), Facebook, or Twitter, and encourage others to come join the party! (permission is granted to reprint the image if a link is provided back to this post)

I have recently discovered a stash of copies of my first book on lectio divina (published by Paulist Press, written with Sister Lucy) and so I will be sending out free signed copies to the first 25 people to share their poems (will be mailed out the week of May 7th).  When you submit your poem, please also email me directly with your mailing address (I’ll send confirmation I received it, but I won’t be chasing down folks for their addesses).  This is my way of saying thank you for participating in the Abbey community.


This photo is of one of the doors to Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.  I love this found mandala, because for me, I could see the clear boundary of the center where the knocker for the door was and where you request entry to the inner sanctum, and then the extension outward from there of the design which had a reaching quality to me and sense of how our service to others extends out into the world.  We are called to dance on life’s edges, stretching the boundaries and horizon.  I felt the beautiful tension between the center and the edges and how we are called to both – each one nourishes the other.

I invite you to ponder this image and see what it evokes in your heart.  Let that be a starting point for your poem writing.  Then scroll down to the comments section and share it here with our Abbey community.

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54 Responses

  1. Rings extend
    from the soul
    of the oak outward
    to the bark,
    more rings and more
    stretching the tree
    toward sun and air,
    toward the rain.

    Rays extend
    from the pupil,
    or relaxing, reaching
    for the light,
    stretching through the iris
    to the border,
    like the ditches,
    back country roads,
    way into the soul.

    Longings extend
    from the seat,
    the heart,
    through the juices
    and the soul
    to the boundaries
    to my skin
    where I am met

    in his eyes,
    in the oak rings,
    in myself,
    edges and middles,
    boundaries and boundless.

    My soul will
    shuffle her feet
    on the edges of his iris,
    lost in the rhythm
    and the sacred
    of friendship,
    waiting for the yes
    to carry me down his roads.

    My skin will
    shuffle these fingertips
    from bark to the center,
    dancing the
    labyrinth of the oak,
    tracing its history,
    into its mystery,
    its life-flow.

    My eyes will
    shuffle their sight
    from my skin through the layers
    to my essence
    where divine dwells,
    where I am lost,
    where I am found,
    reaching from my center
    to the world.

  2. A Door at Notre Dame, Paris

    of the world.
    All the
    Spring birds
    screaming Amor.
    upon Frond
    breaking into bud.
    The world’s
    and designers
    and tyrants,
    all the dancing
    and running
    a round,
    the blacksmith
    in his forge
    pounded out
    the intricacies
    of life.
    Yet in the
    very center of
    It ALL
    is Aslan,
    the ring held
    between His teeth,
    obedience to the Father.
    Knock and I shall open.
    I am the very door.

  3. Doors

    On Essex flats
    a stout wooden door, iron bound
    opened on St Peter on the Wall
    stone built
    place of worship since 664

    In Yorkshire I was handed a key
    larger than my hand
    heavy hewn from iron
    which opened a door
    into a medieval church

    At Coventry a glass door
    ruin reflecting
    and saint embossed
    opened upon a light-filled space

    In South Africa
    in a segregated township
    simple garage doors parted
    to reveal
    a tin-walled chapel

    each door opened
    on a space beyond time
    on shared faith
    on love

    Once a simple couple
    pushed open a wooden door
    or perhaps lifted
    a dusty screen
    and stepped into a stable

    Time became eternity
    Faith sprang anew
    Love was there
    Love was there

  4. In the centre of the garden there is He
    holding fast the bundled line of time.
    The tension of his future and his past
    held perfect by eternal central sign.
    Reach forth to lift the ring he offers free
    to those who take their courage in their hand;
    He asks no more that they should quietly wait:
    He opens to the ones who faithful stand.

    I will knock to hear the echo call
    within the house that men have built so tall,
    who ask that He be there among their throng,
    who lift one voice to raise salvation song
    and bid me enter rest and sleep again:
    after ardent, arduous journey’s pain

  5. Door

    To know the way in
    to remember the door is there
    does not make the journey
    less arduous.

    The night is still long.

    The dark wood presses in on all sides.

    Pray for compassion.
    Pray for light.

    Don’t forget the path is ever before you.
    Don’t forget the ones who have gone before.

    When you arrive
    you have to knock.

  6. I wonder trying each pathway
    the path of home ownership
    the path of expensive clothing
    the path of marriage
    the path of motherhood
    the path of success
    Yet somehow these paths only lead me back outside away from Him
    But when I seek Him I try a different way
    the path of humility
    the path of service
    the path of patience
    the path of love
    I move toward the Spirit on these paths closer to the inside
    The Spirit speaks louder and I am carried
    Sometimes I don’t want to listen
    I run to the outside again
    Yet the Spirit always brings me back again when I cry

  7. MORE

    The Guardian of the Door
    studied me with whimsical wisdom
    as I loitered on the Threshold.

    “I don’t know,” I said,
    the way in is
    so narrow,
    so small.”

    “Ah,” said He,
    “That is only because you are too much.”

    “I don’t know, I said,
    “the inside must be
    so limited,
    so confining.”

    “Ah,” said He,
    “do you not know that the inside is always more than the outside?”

    So I became less,
    And I went through,
    And the inside was so much more than the outside.

  8. The wisdom of fractals
    is defined by the circle,
    the only whole
    we recognize.
    But the Creator of all
    wholes includes holes,
    knowing as we long to
    that essential order
    chaos. To lift and rap
    is less to hope for
    than to respond to
    a threshold.

  9. Moving
    I travel ’round
    this way,
    that way…
    in the sacred dance
    to places I dared not go…
    I go now
    with opened eyes
    with twirling feet
    closer to edges
    places I have never been
    bridging the spaces
    where I must be bold
    to reach the next turning…
    my heart beats fearfully
    yet with joy and reckless
    at what may be
    the next unknown edge,
    the next turn in my
    sacred dance that leads
    ever closer to Your Door…
    the apex is near
    hands stretched out
    anticipation is heady
    with the Presence of You
    the center of my life,
    I need only open myself
    to the place beyond,
    dancing before You,

  10. Open the door!
    I must know the scratchiness of your face
    and the warmth of your breath on the back of my neck
    and more….

    1. it is easy
      I am a complicated being
      in need of gentle touch
      emotions swirl and swoosh
      it isn’t complicated
      be the brave soul to follow
      each and every tendril
      and some day
      with the right caress
      all secrets will be revealed