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Visual Meditation: A Monk Dreams of Paris










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5 Responses

  1. I just read of your upcoming travels. I am thrilled for you, Christine.
    I lost my dear Jud on February 24. We were so lucky to have a year in which he had time he felt good and had a wonderful three weeks in Barcelona and Southern France. All the more, I say, go for it!

  2. While my only experience of Paris was an early-morning shuttle-bus ride from one train station to another, the photography reminds me of the bits of beauty I encountered in Spain. There is a phenominal staircase in the University of Salamanca that so took me by surprise that I nearly didn’t dare to step up on it. Its curve and carve invited contemplation and touch, following those thousands of students who had preceeded me along that way. I found in that city a connection with the people of Spain that will not let me go.

  3. makes me love more–the painting in my living room of a tree in Lancaster…that says Be still and know that I am God.
    Our roots are in Paris.
    We can always go back in our minds eye.