Visit the Abbey of the Arts online retreat platform to access your programs:

Join me for the Sacred Rhythms Writing Retreat (June 7-10)

I am so thrilled to be offering a brand new live retreat called Sacred Rhythms: Bringing Yoga, Movement, and the Wisdom of the Seasons to Your Writing PracticeJune 7-10, 2012 at the Grunewald Guild near Leavenworth, WA. This will be a wonderful, nourishing time of diving deep into our bodies and telling the stories we discover there. Guided by the rhythms of the day, we will move through the hours of awakening, ripening, releasing, and being to listen to how these rhythms might support our creative practice. This retreat is for every body and anyone who loves to write, or is curious about how movement and writing come together, or who wants to experience following the rise and fall of the day by listening deeply to what the body wants and needs. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.  The retreat is already half full so it is certain to fill up soon!

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The Path of Devotion ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

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