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Invitation to Poetry: Love Letters to the World

Welcome to the Abbey’s Poetry Party #55!

I select an image and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your own poem. Scroll down and add it in the comments section below. Feel free to take your poem in any direction and then post the image and invitation on your blog (if you have one), Facebook, or Twitter, and encourage others to come join the party! (permission is granted to reprint the image if a link is provided back to this post)

On Sunday, February 19th, I will draw a name at random from the participants and the winner will receive a free registration spot in my upcoming online art retreat for the season of Lent – Soul of a Pilgrim (February 22-April 7, 2012).


This week we celebrate Valentine’s Day.  Instead of writing love letters and poems to our lovers and beloved ones, I am inviting you this week to write a poem that is a love letter to something from daily life, something absolutely ordinary, but when viewed in the right moment it becomes luminous.  It could be a seagull hovering over the water, steam rising from a cup of morning coffee, the beginning shoots of spring, even the dirty laundry left from someone we care about deeply, whatever it is that is calling your attention this week in the most ordinary and extraordinary way.

Click on the “leave a comment” feature and scroll down to the bottom to share your poem with this community.

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71 Responses

  1. Flying should not be attempted
    before mastering the crawl or the walk,
    the canter or the strut.

    Grounding requires placing both feet — shoes not required — squarely,
    upon the ground.

    Once one has experienced a deepening of the spirit, a grounding of body upon earth,
    then there is no reason to hold back.

    Soul soaring is then highly recommended.

  2. I want to tell you about
    being in the bathroom at the mall one day,
    four distracted women lined up along the wall
    staring past me,
    the only eye contact
    was the dispassionate stare of a messy haired toddler.

    And I want to tell you about
    how I stared back into those brown eyes
    behind which were such thoughts
    as I will never know
    and we will never exchange the words
    that might explain them.

    And I feel desperate to tell you
    that as our eyes met
    the world tipped a little and
    there was no longer him and me
    and there was not an us or we,
    all lines had dissolved
    all questions and answers had been forgiven,
    no longer any one standing there in the bathroom
    but gods.

    We were all God.

    1. Whoops! I’ll try this again :)

      this day
      one day
      each day
      any day
      every day
      all days
      easily squandered gift

  3. Winterlight

    The gray of a winter morning
    portending snow
    gives way to afternoon sunlight warming
    squirrels and leaves and shivering trees
    in its golden glow.

    And so my soul this February day
    resigned to gloom
    opens to the light of God’s love melting
    my heart and kindling my spirit
    into fiery bloom.

  4. Love Cannot Be Contained

    Just when you think
    that you will love him
    forever and ever,
    it begins to drift away.

    You think that you can
    chase after it and
    stuff it back in a box.
    But, it’s not so easy.

    It comes and goes
    like the wind,
    sometimes strong,
    sometimes non-existant.

    All you can do is
    stand still and pray
    that it will come your way

  5. You’ve a tendency to be there
    When I need you, taut and strong,
    Providing me with just the place
    To hang my laundry on;
    Ideas,beliefs and memories,
    All tied in random line,
    I thank you for your tension
    For your sturdiness is mine.

  6. I can’t get enough of the way
    the black ink pours forth
    from my fountain pen

    sliding down the page
    so clear, so stark,
    making words.
    What a wonder
    Beauty comes before meaning

    Oh, I regret those blue years…

  7. Taken In

    (For all of us)

    Pinned on Life’s
    Hanging by one ear,
    Moaning as we
    Sobbing as we

    We feel
    Weather build and
    Blow us
    Sun bleaches us white,
    Stars pierce our

    And still we
    (Could it be?)

    Who takes
    Warm basket
    Kind hands folding our
    Dried-out Selves,
    So sweet among

    She walks us up
    Along muddy
    Such a clean

    Joan Marie Medved
    February 13, 2012

    1. Big smile. Never thought of myself as laundry on the line, but now that I think about it, laundry on the line always looks happy. Thanks for the poem, and the vision.


    FACT: Light takes 8 minutes to travel from the sun to earth.

    RESULT: It is the past I see,
    not the present,
    as I watch the sun slip behind the undulating curves of the horizon.

    I should feel–

    there is the robin on that branch
    (you know, the branch just inches from the sky),
    well, he sings with such ecstatic abandon
    that I must savor these sensuous eight minutes
    like a stolen kiss.

    1. It’s an amazing thing, watching something that’s not really there, and watching it disappear as if it were. This is a really interesting reflection, and the second stanza made me think that the branch is not inches from the sky, it’s in the sky, just as everything, every thing above ground is in the sky. Gotta say, though, that’s a long kiss…