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Visual Meditation: Winter Stillness and Delight

Seattle had another snowstorm today.  These images are from the one we enjoyed on Sunday.  Lots of play and frolicking happening here at the Abbey today.  And our dog Winter loves to play in the snow, who would have guessed?








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29 Responses

  1. We are having a snowless winter here on Long Island —so far. While my old body is not missing the trudging , slushing, slipping , sliding , boot wearing drudgery of snow, I find my soul is missing it’s stark beauty and silence and especially the radiance of the sun the morning after. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your Seattle landscape. And when we do get our share of the white wonder that is snow, I will remember that “All is gift.”

  2. These made me so happy…there is just something utterly transforming about snow, it brings out the child and wonder in us all. Thank you so much for posting!

  3. Ditto to all of the above: what a lovely treat for these Florida eyes!….good to see new photos of that gorgeous dog Winter, with a bit of winter thrown in :)

  4. This is so beautiful! And what sweetie Winter is! I’m trying very hard to find the beauty of winter in NW Iowa–not much snow right now, but our temperatures are going well below zero and windy. Being outside is not an option, so I really appreciate you sharing the photos.