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Visual Meditation: Winter Stillness and Delight

Seattle had another snowstorm today.  These images are from the one we enjoyed on Sunday.  Lots of play and frolicking happening here at the Abbey today.  And our dog Winter loves to play in the snow, who would have guessed?








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29 Responses

  1. How beautiful. Your composition of the beauty of nature in a blanket of snow really moves my soul to a sense of peace. Thank-you Chrisitine.

  2. Thank you for the lovely pictures. The trees heavy laden with snow were peaceful and Winter’s joy leapt off the screen : ) My dog is almost 10, but he still loves to romp in the snow. His sense of freedom and delight always lift my spirits! What a blessing dogs can be!

  3. I love the joyful abandon on Winter’s face. What a wonderful dog!

    Here in southwestern Indiana we have had a mild winter. In a way, that makes it harder for me. It is gray, and the trees seem to scrape the pewter sky with their bare branches. The landscape is a monochromatic mush of brown and black. I am longing for the first buds of spring, the tinge of green on the willows. I have to keep reminding myself that winter is a time of dormancy or of pregnancy. I am waiting for new birth, new life, or for some signs of it. I don’t feel like there is much of that right now in the weather, or in other life situations. One of the people I live with has been diagnosed with lymphoma. Two other friends have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I trust that there is new life in there somewhere, and I am waiting, but I am getting impatient, I think.

  4. Thanks for sharing. Living in 70 degree central Texas, memories of winters in Minnesota as a child are surfacing.

  5. Wow what a cute dog and snow photos wil do for people’s spirit. These photos generated a lot of response. And…..don’t all dogs love snow?

  6. Thank You so much for the beautiful Snow Photographs! Winter is my favorite season (especially after the hectic holidays). I feel a sense of quiet and contemplation and seem to have more time to do the things I love to do such as drawing, painting, reading and sometimes…just dreaming.
    Kansas is having a “non-winter” with no snow and warmish temperatures, so having your Snow pictures to look at is a real treat!!!
    Also, my cats might not like to go OUT in the snow, but watching a snowfall from a cozy window seat is one of their favorite things!

  7. We have a lab/retriever mix dog name Kuper. He also loves the snow. During the snow we played ball in the back yard and I love seeing him dive head first into the snow to get the ball. I too love the stillness and beauty of the snow here in Seattle. We were snowbound for about 4 days and it was a mini retreat for my husband and me. Thank you for your pictures and your inspiring words.