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Give Me a Word: Third annual Abbey giveaway

Two years ago I began what has now become an annual tradition at Abbey of the Arts during this time of new year reflection.  I offer the same invitation this year, again with some prizes to give away on January 6th, and this time with a free gift for everyone who participates.

*Everyone* who shares their word for the year and a brief description in the comments below also gets a *free guided meditation recording* from the Abbey with an *Embodied Examen Prayer for the New Year.*  It is a great way to reflect on the past year and tend your dreams for the next.  To claim your free gift, read through the instructions below and when your word for 2012 emerges, share it in the comments (scroll to the bottom of the page) and then email Eveline, the fabulous Abbey admin at and request the link.

Then share this invitation with others!  Help spread the love and opportunity for reflection!

Read on for more inspiration:

In ancient times, wise men and women fled out into the desert to find a place where they could be fully present to God and to their own inner struggles at work within them. The desert became a place to enter into the refiner’s fire and be stripped down to one’s holy essence. The desert was a threshold place where you emerged different than when you entered.

Many people followed these ammas and abbas, seeking their wisdom and guidance for a meaningful life. One tradition was to ask for a word –  this word or phrase would be something on which to ponder for many days, weeks, months, sometimes a whole lifetime. This practice is connected to lectio divina, where we approach the sacred texts with the same request – “give me a word” we ask – something to nourish me, challenge me, a word I can wrestle with and grow into.

Last year my word was sanctuary. Sanctuary has multiple meanings: the sanctuary in a church is the place where the holy of holies dwells, but we also create sanctuaries for animals needing protection or for persons fleeing persecution. The layers to this word shimmered throughout my year, but especially the sense of finding sanctuary within my own heart, to feel at home in the world.  This was the grace of this past year, its fierce lesson for me.  This year my word is *savor* (click the link if you want to read more about its meaning for me).  It came to me in a moment of silent prayer as I reflected on the call I am feeling these days to deeply savor each moment of my life, to immerse myself even more in the present moment.  I am eager to discover what the word holds for me this coming year.

If you want help in letting a word choose you, scroll down for several suggestions.

  • What is your word for the year ahead? A word which contains within it a seed of invitation to cross a new threshold?
  • What word, phrase, or image is shimmering before you right now inviting you to dwell with it until it ripens fully inside of you?

Share your word in the comments below before Friday, January 6th

Leave your word for the year ahead in the comments below plus a couple of sentences describing your choice.

Letting a Word Choose You

For some of you the word may have come right away, but for some you may desire a word to ripen within your soul these coming weeks and months, but one doesn’t seem to be coming. So here are some suggestions for allowing a word to choose you:

  • Release your thinking mind in this process, this isn’t about figuring out just the right word to improve yourself this coming year. The word comes as gift, often your sense of it being “right” is more intuitive, a more embodied sense of yes. The word (or phrase) is one that will work in you (rather than you working on it). Remember that a word that creates a sense of inner resistance is as important to pay attention to as one that has a great deal of resonance.
  • Lectio divina is one of the primary practices we have in Christian monastic tradition for listening for a word or phrase that shimmers or calls to our hearts. Lectio is traditionally applied to scripture, but can also be engaged to pray with life experience. Allow some time for prayer and in your imagination review this last year, honoring it as a sacred text. As you walk through your experiences notice which ones stand out, call to you for more attention, or shimmer forth. There may be more than one, but for this time of prayer select one of them (and you can return to others in future times of prayer). Enter into it with all of your senses. Remember it in all of its detail. Experience it from this place you are in now. Notice if there is a word or phrase which rises up. Then allow that word to unfold in your imagination and welcome in images, feelings, and memories which stir in you. After a time of making space for these, begin to ask what is the invitation or call rising up from these noticings? Where is God calling you to a new awareness or action in your life? Close with some time of silence.
  • Approach a soul friend, a spiritual director, or a wise elder for your word, as in the desert tradition. They might need some time to ponder this with you. It is always wise to consult with a soul companion or community when testing the fruits of prayer.
  • Create a time of retreat for this holy time of year. A couple of hours is enough. Make space to sink into silence, journal, reflect on your experiences of the year past. Write about your dreams and deep desires for the year ahead. In the space of contemplation and stillness, notice if there is a word, image, or phrase which rises up.
  • Go for a contemplative walk where you aren’t trying to get anywhere. Your sole purpose is to be as present as possible to each footfall. Listen for how your inner life is calling you forward with each step. Be present to the gifts of creation around you (even if it is the city pigeons and trees planted down the sidewalk). Listen if they might have a word to offer to you.
  • Listen to your dreams in these coming days. As you go to sleep, lay a piece of paper and pen by your bed as a sign of your willingness to receive the wisdom that comes in dreams. Consider strong dream images as possible words calling to you. Pay attention to synchronicities through the day. Are there images or words which seem to repeat themselves? If so, take note.
  • Allow time for the word to ripen. This may be a slow process. If you hear a word calling, sit with it for a couple of days. Listen attentively to the stirrings of your heart in response. Eventually there will be a tugging inside of you, where you feel yourself drawn again and again to this word. Allow yourself to be in a space of unknowing with this and practice being present to your anticipation knowing that things of the soul unfold in their own time. This is a journey of transformation and the word may not make immediate sense to you, but trust that over time more of its meaning will be revealed.

When the word emerges, please share it with me and others in the comments section below. I am truly blessed by the sharings offered there – it is such a gift of hope in this time of holy darkness (and if you share by Friday, January 6th you are entered into a random drawing for a chance to win one of several prizes!)

If you want to be notified of more Abbey gifts and offerings, consider subscribing to our email newsletter (which includes another free gift just for signing up!)

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Elaine Breckenridge

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458 Responses

  1. My 2012 word is ‘compassion’ …
    from contemplating the Advent text from Isaiah 40: “Comfort, comfort my people,” says God, “speak tenderly…”

  2. My word is “yes”. It found me rather quickly and, though I sensed that it was the one, I took some time with it. It seems like such a simple word but my reflections reminded me that it is not. A “yes” to life, a “yes” to God, includes many things I might really prefer not to accept into my life. But I trust the word will teach me and so I say “yes”…

    1. I think this is my word too – “yes.” Often, I stand near the edge wondering if I’m ready for the next step, wondering what it is, wondering if I have what it takes….This year, I want to say “Yes” to life, to trust this mysterious journey and my place within it….and to trust the Giver of all with my consenting “yes.”

  3. My word for 2012 is “praying”….for others, as well as for myself…for those people I know, and for those I do not know, but who God places in my path.

  4. The word that came to me is wholeness. The word sought me out. I have just finished a year of cancer treatment. I plan to use this year as a search for wholeness as I decide what this new future holds.

  5. This will be my third year choosing a word for contemplation throughout the year. The Word practice has become one of my most deepening and cherished practices.

    BreakThrough – that’s my word this year. It arose within me a few weeks ago, early for me. But that is definitely the word. For me, it represents soul breakthrough, in my ART as spiritual practice, my Work as spiritual practice, my LIFE fully as God’s, not my own — as well as intuitive understanding, God’s wisdom within, really being able to overcome those places where I hit the same wall over and over. Opening up to Spirit’s guidance in more profound ways, LOOKing at what is necessary, prayerfully requesting soul redemption, and breaking through – however the Lord chooses to unfold it in me. (He’s always up to something beyond my measly understanding, after all!)

    Thank you, again, dear Christine, for this profound practice.

  6. I’m calling 2012 “The Year of YES.” The power of this word is in it’s simplicity, and in being able to apply it in every area of my life. YES is the antidote to over-analyzing, over-thinking, and resistance. It’s my R.S.V.P. to an invitation from God. It’s the courage to trust Him, and the ability to return – again and again – to the truth of Him. YES is graciously accepting God’s gifts, including the ones that come wrapped in challenging, frustrating, irritating, difficult-to-unwrap packages. And it’s using those gifts wisely in a way that honors Him. It’s the recognition that God wants only good for me and that, as a child of God, “good” is what I deserve. YES also makes room for my humanness, my forgetfulness. It’s big enough to hold the “no’s” of my fears, doubts, and insecurities without judgment, giving me the awareness I need so I can find my way back. Back to YES…to my dreams, to God’s dreams for me, to hope and possibility and love and faith and miracles.

    It’s truly amazing how much meaning a single word can hold, and I’m sure as the year goes on new layers of meaning will be revealed for all of us. Thank you, Christine, for creating a space for this powerful practice!

  7. It’s been inspiring and quickening to read everyone’s words and comments. I love that so many people participate in this. Thank you, Christine, for sharing such a wonderful tradition.

    My word for 2012 is “juice.” It embodies many things for me to meditate on, practice, and manifest: life-blood, essence, presence, joy, process, fruitfulness.

    Each year that I’ve done this a color has chosen me as well. My color for 2012 is purple.

  8. My word for 2012 is GLOW. I have recently opened a gallery space for intuitive and mystic arts in Denver, and a Glowmapping studio (‘artful listening to illuminate your vision’).
    The word Glow has been with me since the last months, and it shows up everywhere.
    For me this means stepping in and stepping up as a creative monk for myself and other, after participating in Christine’s wonderful artist/monk class. To me “Glow” represents the inner light, my connection to Spirit, the light of the Sun, and the joy and shine that radiates from me and other people when they courageously and responsibly follow their calling.

  9. My word is Opening, opening to change from within and to taking in, being open to, changes outside myself.