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A review of The Artist’s Rule at Story Circle Books

Mary Ann Moore wrote a lovely review of The Artist’s Rule at Story Circle Book Reviews:

Christine Valters Paintner has “a deep love of Benedictine tradition as well as the gifts of Celtic and desert monasticism.” She is a Benedictine oblate with training in the expressive arts. She says, “Creativity and contemplative spirituality nurture and support each other in their commitments to the slow way, to a close attention to the inner life and to the sacred being revealed in each moment.” Her book offers support for a graceful journey through creativity and contemplation.

The author considers herself to be a monk who lives beyond the monastery walls and gently supports others to find their “inner monk” nourished through silence and “a commitment to see everything as sacred.” She also offers many approaches to engage one’s “inner artist” through the visual arts, poetry, movement and new ways of seeing the world. I so appreciate all Valters Paintner has to share in this book and realize, she too, is attending to her inner life in the midst of the busyness and speed of the world around us.

Click here to read the whole review>>

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