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A review of The Artist’s Rule at Through a Glass Onion

As part of the Patheos Book Club, Through a Glass Onion has posted a great review of The Artist’s Rule:

Paintner’s book is written as a 12-week journey that shares the wisdom of monastic practice, especially Benedictine—of which Paintner is an oblate. It is a book meant to be read as part of one’s creative journey.

The difficulty in reviewing Paintner’s book is that I didn’t have twelve weeks to sit with it, absorb it, learn from it, and put it into practice. In fact, I didn’t even have twelve days. But, I didn’t need twelve days, weeks, or months to find nuggets of wisdom and inspiration in The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom . While I may not have had enough time to fully engage with the contemplative practices at the end of each chapter, Paintner’s book has inspired me to pick it up again and engage with some of those practices in my life as a writer and educator.

Click here to read the whole review>>

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