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The Transforming Power of Lectio Divina: A Deeper Look at the Four Movements

Christine Sine at Godspace so graciously invited me to reflect on how lectio divina has changed my life and view of the world.  Here is a brief except from The Transforming Power of Lectio Divina: A Deeper Look at the Four Movements:

After almost twenty years of practicing lectio divina, I see the world differently.  Each moment and thing has the potential to become a vehicle for revelation.  Lectio divina has changed my life.  Instead of being something I practice for twenty minutes each morning it has become a way I experience and move through the world.  Instead of feeling bound to a particular structure and sequence of steps, I discover that each movement of lectio has its own gift and rhythm and I open my heart to when it will be revealed in my day.  The practice of a spiritual discipline is about more than the minutes we spend doing it, but how it overflows into the whole of life.

We might ask ourselves, is my vision changed because of this practice?  If not, how might I let its gift be unleashed into each moment.

You can read the whole article here>>

Over at the Patheos Book Club, Lisa Hess has a wonderful review of The Artist’s Rule:

One of the greatest strengths in this volume, however, is the multi-traditional offerings alongside a clear identity in a long-rooted tradition of faith, Benedictine spirituality. When so rooted, guided by an ancient trellis of centuries’ stature, new life breathes into biology and true artistry may indeed blossom. It has roots to hold it, and life to live amongst challenges, thorns. Expressiveness and a life uniquely created, yet aching to be shared.

You can read the whole review here>>

Previous Virtual Book Tour stops:

You can order Christine’s two newest books from The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom and Lectio Divina–The Sacred Arts: Transforming Words and Images into Heart-Centered Prayer

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I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Judith Jessop’s reflection on solitude and community. A sabbatical is a precious gift. In my tradition it arrives like clockwork every 7

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One Response

  1. I am on week one of The Artist’s Rule, and I just posted a link to the book on my Facebook page with the comment, “lectio divinia–wow.” I feel like I am opening up after a long season of being closed off to the Divine. How something so simple and on the surface, so seemingly foreign to my everyday life (Bible readings) can have such an effect is astounding.

    Thank you, Christine.

    Looking forward to future poetry parties!