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The Artist Begins Again and Again (a guest post at the Sunshine Abbey)

Claudia Mairs Burney is the Abbess at the lovely Sunshine Abbey where I have a guest post today on the wisdom of beginning again:

As artists and creative people we are filled with the best of intentions.  We have big visions and a longing to express ourselves freely and fully. We begin a project – whether writing a book, painting a canvas, or composing a song – with enthusiasm and full of confidence.  Then somewhere along the way we find our energy waning, and the artwork we once felt such delight in has now become a source of vexation.  It hangs over our head as a symbol of our failure as an artist.

The human heart is a funny thing, full of passion for spirit one day and then feeling lost or astray the next. Then we may start to berate ourselves for not being better, more committed, more diligent. In the barrage of inner voices that rise up, we often find ourselves so much further away from our heart’s desire than when we began. This very act of self-judgment actually distances us even further from our deep longings for creative delight.

Click here to read the whole article>>

Previous Virtual Book Tour stops:

You can order Christine’s two newest books from The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom and Lectio Divina–The Sacred Arts: Transforming Words and Images into Heart-Centered Prayer (or share a poem at the Poetry Party – see link below – and enter for a chance to win a free book!)

Stop by this week’s Poetry Party

Make sure to stop by the newest Poetry Party at the Abbey on the theme of “The Great Journey.”  Pour a cup of tea and linger with the beautiful poems already gathering there and then share your own with us.

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