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New guest post at Bliss Chick

Stop by my latest guest post at the fabulous Bliss Chick on The Creative Soul as a Monk in the World.

Monastic Wisdom to Nurture Creative Rhythms

We have probably all had those times when the creative work just isn’t flowing like we want it to and it seems like such hard work to push forward.  I find a great deal of wisdom in monastic spirituality for creative flourishing.

The Seasons of the Day

The first is an awareness of the seasons.  Monks traditionally pray what is called the Liturgy of the Hours, gathering together up to seven times each day (depending on the community) to sing the psalms together.  It is a way of returning to an awareness of the deep source at the heart of all our work.  When the bells for prayer ring, the monks stop their work and come to the chapel.  No matter how important what they are doing may feel, the Hours take precedence.  It is a way of cultivating deep humility and non-attachment.

Click here to read the whole article>>

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One Response

  1. I miss the poetry parties and I’m sure others do too! How about committing to once a month? It would keep me coming back for more.