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Next stop on the Virtual Book Tour – an interview with me at June Mears Driedger’s blog

June Mears Driedger has interviewed me over at her blog.  Stop by to read and leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom.

Here is an excerpt:

The title of your book is “The Artist’s Rule: Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom.” Intriguing title—but what do monks have to do with artists?

Monasteries have been great centers of creativity since they were first formed – think of the beauty of Gregorian chant, the great illuminated manuscripts which bring text to life through a marriage with image, the architecture of cloisters creating sacred space as a container for prayer.  When I fell in love with monasticism it was the aesthetic dimension which first captured my heart and I wanted to explore how their this path fosters this creative upwelling.  My book explores the way monastic spirituality can help creativity flourish in anyone.

Click here to read the whole interview>>

Previous Virtual Book Tour stops:

More stops to come this week including more guest posts, interviews, and reviews!


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