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Review of The Artist’s Rule at Creative Liberty

Liz Massey at Creative Liberty interviewed me about a year ago and now offers a great review of The Artist’s Rule.  Here is an excerpt:

Christine is a master at using texts from other wisdom traditions beyond Christianity to explain the point she is trying to make in each chapter. This broadens the audience that will benefit from this book considerably. It also reinforces a key element in Benedictine thinking, which is to engage the stranger (the person who is not necessarily a member of the same church or subscribes to the same philosophy as the oblate) as a person of holy worth and deserving of hospitality. I would imagine this point of view also pays dividends to the creative person exploring the exercises in The Artist’s Rule, as it may enable them to become increasingly comfortable with both themselves and others (and The Divine, if they believe) as whole entities, which cannot help but create richer, fuller, more “real” works of art.

Stop by her blog to read the whole review.

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