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New books coming in 2011

In the midst of my sorrow, waiting, and unknowing, there has also been great joy here at the Abbey.  I am blessed to be able to dedicate a great deal of time to writing these days which makes my heart sing.  While they are not due out until April and July 2011, there is a special delight that happens when an author gets to see her book covers and anticipate holding them in her hands.  I love what both publishers have created for the exterior to support the books’ messages inside and am eager to share these resources with you, dear supporters of this work.

Lectio Divina:
Transforming Words and Images into Heart-Centered Prayer

will be published by Skylight Paths Publishing in April 2011

When Skylight Paths asked me to consider writing another book on lectio divina for there Art of Spiritual Living series, I prayed over the invitation and realized that I love this practice so much that I have lots more to say about it.  Their audience is multi-faith and so I am excited about introducting this ancient prayer form to more people.  I am currently teaching an online class on lectio divina and absolutely loving hearing what my brilliant and creative students have to share as I am immersed in finishing the manuscript.

The Artist’s Rule:
Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom

will be published by Ave Maria Press in July 2011

This book is based on my class Way of the Monk, Path of the Artist and is a work of great love for me.  Nurturing this connection between contemplation and creativity is truly my heart’s path.  I am also journeying with a group in the fall online session right now and am daily in awe about what emerges from the participants when bringing the inner monk and artist out to play together.  I am deeply grateful to the marvelous Macrina Wiederkehr, OSB, for agreeing to write the foreword for this book. (And if you can’t wait until next summer, I will be offering the next session of this class starting in January 2011 – registrations starts in November).

With all of this excitement over what comes next year, I am relying on my daily contemplative practice to bring me back to the present more than ever.

More information to come in the months ahead . . .

Thanks for taking a moment to relish this anticipation with me!

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The Path of Devotion ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dearest dancing monks, artists, and pilgrims, This Friday, February 14th, our Program Coordinator Melinda Thomas is leading a mini-retreat on Bhakti Yoga and the Inexpressible Delights of Love. Read on for her reflection on bhakti yoga and the path of devotion. There were times in my

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Holiness of Work ~ A Love Note from Your Online Abbess

Dearest dancing monks, artists, and pilgrims, Tomorrow Simon and I will be joined by guest musician and Wisdom Council member Jamie Marich for our monthly Contemplative Prayer Service. Our theme this month is the 5th principle of the Monk Manifesto. Here is an excerpt from our Monk in the World self-study retreat.

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10 Responses

  1. Christina, I am not surprised by these two new publications. I eagerly await their arrival.


  2. I cannot wait to get hold of your books Christine – but I will have to be patient and wait. Thank you for your sharing this week.

  3. They look stunning! The covers are perfectly appropriate for the themes within, and I cannot wait unbtil they are published. Congratulations!

  4. Thanks for sharing, Christine. I find your Programs exciting, wish I were just close by to attend your courses.

    Anyway, I hope I will be able to make a trip for some Programs.

    More power, God’s blessings!

    Maria Ligaya

  5. Christine, what a wonderful invitation you’ve given to relish
    and anticipate somethings new – things that could only into the world
    through you.

    Do you have an advance waiting list to order now?

    As always from the heart,


  6. Oh Christine, these are indeed lovely! Thanks for sharing the excitement and the hope of bringing them into the world, you amazing, fecund artist/monk.

    You’ll remain in my heart and prayers also in the work of releasing which lies ahead and will also require your effort and cooperation. Hugs.
