Visit the Abbey of the Arts online retreat platform to access your programs:

Visual Meditation: I am Part of a Great Migration

I am part of a great migration

this is love - Rumi



Bringing the Expressive Arts to Spiritual Direction

is currently in stock at –

Order a copy full of ideas and inspirations for bringing the arts to soul care ministries!



Way of Monk Banner (general banner) Banner - Eyes of the Heart  (general banner)

July 19-August 29, 2010

The early registration discount is extended until March 10th ($125 per class instead of $150)

There are only a few spots left in each class!


© Christine Valters Paintner at Abbey of the Arts:
Transformative Living through Contemplative & Expressive Arts

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2 Responses

  1. Christine–
    Those same saints are walking around Rite Aid here in Bend– a miracle of a different sort do you suppose?

    What a sweet, earthy reflection. I love it that the relics helped you open your eyes and really see for an instant.

    This is such a rich time of digging up fallow ground, of preparing the soil of my own once and future relic-ness.

    Much love to you–