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Invitation to Poetry: Words for the Heart

Welcome to our Poetry Party #43!

I select an image and suggest a theme/title and invite you to respond with your poems or other reflections. Add your responses in the comments section.  Feel free to take your poem in any direction (ie, you can break the “rules” suggested below) and then post the image and invitation on your blog (if you have one) and encourage others to come join the party! (permission is granted to reprint the image if a link is provided back to this post)

On Friday, January 15th, I will draw a name at random from those who participate and send the winner a copy of Sacred Poetry: An Invitation to Write.


Poetry Party Theme: Words for the Heart

I was so moved by the response to my New Year’s call for words to shape your commitments for the future.  I loved the power that each word offered, how a whole world of hope was wrapped up in just a few letters.

My invitation to you for this week’s Poetry Party is to write a poem using only the words below (or variations of them) and connecting words such as and, the, is, etc. (and maybe a pronoun or two).  You don’t have to use all 132 of them, but spend some time with them and see how they want to come together.  You can click on the image below to enlarge it.  If you didn’t submit your own word yet, consider choosing one and making it the title.

WORDLE - Give Me a Word

(you can see a larger version by clicking here)

** To see Jo-El’s poem from the comments in the original formatting click here **


© Christine Valters Paintner at Abbey of the Arts:
Transformative Living through Contemplative & Expressive Arts

Lenten E-Course - Benedictine Spiritual Practices

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13 Responses

  1. Foundations at Kairos

    Gratitude for the birth of creativity
    in the unity of surrender and transformation.
    I listen to the gentle opening in silence
    and find the inseparability of my strength and his presence
    Freefalling in an amazing dance of sacrifice…..
    I open to courage and commitment
    as I find wisdom, mercy, and wonder in my unknowing
    and create foundations to heal and abide in trust.

  2. Here on the threshold,
    the light and shadow of the new year
    a gentle journey into awareness.

    I will create simplicity,
    create spaciousness,
    create sanctuary.

    I will release
    my soul’s slow dance.

    Yes. with courage,
    with gratitude,
    with love,
    I still live.
    I soar.

    Joyful wonder,
    still unfolding.