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Lingering at the Threshold

I am leaving again to lead a retreat on Honoring Our Ancestors.  These next few days are a threshold time in the Celtic calendar, when the veil between worlds is said to be especially thin.  I have been lingering in this thin place for the last month and am eager to join with a group of women to honor this sacred time of year.  In the Christian tradition, we are entering a time when we honor our beloved dead who have passed on before us. Together with my teaching and writing partner Betsey Beckman, we will engage in art and movement as our intuitive language of discovery and honoring. 

My heart is already overflowing and the wings of angels seem to keep brushing my cheek.  What discoveries still await me?

Which thresholds you are being invited to linger in?

(Photos taken in Rome)

** Come back on Monday, November 2nd for the return of the  Abbey Poetry Parties! **

© Christine Valters Paintner at Abbey of the Arts:
Transformative Living through Contemplative & Expressive Arts

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3 Responses

  1. I have been reading a book on Midlife and your Blog heading caught me: Threshold. It is also called Liminal and this particular book by Murray Stien, In Midlife uses Hermes as a guide to such openings. Tom

  2. I am waiting at the threshold of claiming my own artistic ability and it is quite frightening for me. I will be attending a big conference in several weeks in which I must “put myself out there.” I am both thrilled and terrified.

    Thanks, Christine, for letting me voice this.