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“A Call to Our Senses”

I plan to explore this idea of Practicing Resurrection more in the coming weeks.  In the meantime, I was delighted to listen to the latest edition of one of my favorite radio programs — Speaking of Faith — on Restoring the Senses.  Vigen Guroian speaks from Eastern Orthodox tradition about Easter as “a call to our senses” and offers such lush imagery from his own spiritual practice of gardening.  Resurrected life is life fully embodied. Definitely worth a listen.

There were excerpts read from two of his books: The Fragrance of Godand Inheriting Paradise: Meditations on Gardening which I then had to order so I can read them as a part of my Easter reflections.  I’m sure I will be coming back to his words here.

Keep sharing your own Easter inspiration at this week’s Poetry Party! Make sure to scroll down to the comments section to read the wonderful submissions and to submit your own!

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