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A Prayer to Begin

I’m the secret fire in everything, and everything smells like Me.
The living breathe My sweet perfume, and they breathe out praise of Me.
They never die because I am their Life.
I flame out—intense, godly Life—over the shining fields of corn, I glow in the shimmer of the fire’s embers, I burn in the sun and the moon and the stars.
The secret Life of Me breathes in the wind and holds all things together soulfully.
This is God’s voice.

-Hildegard of Bingen


Fiery Spirit, Source of all creative power,
Kindle your Holy Spark within me,
Breathe into me your Sacred Passion,
Fill me with your your Flame until I have become fire,
Offering brilliant warmth to the world.

Sustain me this day in your work,
May the God of radiance illuminate me,
May I discover my own hidden spark and enter it fully
so that I become a light to the world.
Blessings of fire be upon these words I write. 
May they shine brightly.

(This is the prayer rising up in me as I begin to write this morning inspired by Hildegard and the element of fire)

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