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Expressive Arts Certification

Celebrate with me!  I just received confirmation that my application for REACE status (Registered Expressive Arts Consultant and Educator) was approved by IEATA (International Expressive Arts Therapy Association).  It was quite an intensive and thorough application process that included a Masters degree in a related field, a minimum of 2000 hours of expressive arts work experience, 200 hours of expressive arts training, an autobiographical statement, a statement of philosophy, a portfolio of both personal process and of a case study (including visual elements), three professional letters of reference, a resume, an ethical guidelines statement, promotional material, and transcripts.  I am quite honored to have my work validated by the Expressive Arts community in this way.

What exactly are the expressive arts? It is a way of using the arts for healing that draws on multiple modalities, moving from poetry to visual expression to movement for example. The focus is always on the process over product and so becomes an experience of creative freedom and discovery. I discovered the expressive arts when I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area for graduate school in theology, and was delighted that I finally had a language and framework for the way I was already leading retreats and engaging in spiritual direction. Much of my professional work has focused on integrating the expressive arts with spiritual formation. (For instance the Awakening the Creative Spirit program which offers expressive arts training to spiritual directors and my new Pastoral Ministry Supervision Group).

-Christine Valters Paintner, OblSB, PhD, REACE @ Abbey of the Arts

** Make sure to read this week’s Sacred Artist Interview and let me know your favorite resources and practices for Advent **

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12 Responses

  1. Many congratulations! And what an honor after such an extensive process. As many have already said, this certification is an affirmation of the gifts and grace you have already been sharing with the world!

  2. Bravo!!!! glad to know i’m working with the best! :-) (it was quiteevident even before you completed that rigorous process for official registration!! i am glad they had the good sense to accept your application.)

  3. Thank you dear friends!

    Suz, I would be happy to talk to your daughter at some point. The Natalie Rogers program looks fantastic, I even considered enrolling in it myself when they first offered it and realized I had to finally say I had “enough” intensive training.

  4. Congratulations on your new credentials! What a wonderful field you are in, helping and guiding people to heal spiritually through the creative arts :)

  5. Congratulations, Christine. You are so qualified to do this! Such a great up-and-coming field.

    This is what my daughter is working for, along with her MSW. I will write down the two sites for her. She was looking at Saybrooke (?) in San Francisco. The ‘Natalie Rogers” program. Maybe some day she can bug you about it!

  6. Wow Christine, this is major league stuff! Sounds REALLY difficult to get registered. I’m so very happy for you. And what a lovely paragraph explaining what the expressive arts are.