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Awakening the Creative Spirit

Experiential Education for Spiritual Directors in the Expressive Arts

Betsey Beckman and I have scheduled new dates for our next offering of this wonderful program.  Consider joining us May 17-22, 2009 on the beautiful Hood Canal for five days of creative exploration and deep discovery through storytelling, poetry writing, visual art-making, movement, and song.

The International Expressive Arts Therapy Association defines the expressive arts as “combin(ing) the visual arts, movement, drama, music, writing and other creative processes to foster deep personal growth and community development. . . By integrating the arts processes and allowing one to flow into another, we gain access to our inner resources for healing, clarity, illumination and creativity.”

You don’t have to be an “artist” to participate, just a desire to awaken the creative spirit within.  The week is highly experiential so you get to understand the power of the arts for your own healing, communion, and deeper understanding of self and God. 

We have also had counselors, teachers, chaplains, and persons interested in their own journey of self-discovery join us for the fun!

Find out more at the Awakening the Creative Spirit website here.  Or click here for a registration form.  If you are interested please drop me an email to begin the conversation!

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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