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6 Words

H.M. offered this 6 Word Memoir Meme to his readers: try to write your whole life story in just six words.  I am doing a slight variation, in that trying to encompass the whole of my life so succinctly feels overwhelming.  But while at this conference I am attending, someone asked me what is the fundamental message I try to convey in my retreat work.  I offered a longer version of the words below, and realized this is my own primary practice:

making space for newness emerging within

I’d love to hear your own six word memoir which you can leave in the comments, on your own blog, or email me a note.  I love getting your messages, especially from readers who follow along here silently.  Take this as an opportunity and invitation to introduce yourself.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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13 Responses

  1. For much of my life it was:
    proving I am not a mistake.

    So today I’m wondering how different it really is to say:
    believing I was not a mistake.