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Visual Meditation: Birds Being Set Free

Into the Wild

The cancer began so small,
just a hummingbird
caught in the house.

It could be gently removed
without much fuss,
flying from the window, opened.

But, a whole other nest was found.
Hiding in the corner,
this cancer was not so innocent.

As the eggs cracked
and babies grew,
they brought a frenzy and chaos within.

Although these were
just small wrens,
the surgeon wielded his knife.

Poison comes next
since traces of birds slipped
into narrow passageways.

I will take this path
but still resist
my body becoming a battlefield.

No wars in my veins.
No cannons allowed.
No heroics or hatred to rally the troops.

Just birds being set free into the wild
while I hold trust
in the palm of my hand.

-Pam McCauley

(Poem by Pam McCauley, Photos by Christine.  Pam said I could share this poem of hers as her way of saying thank you for the warm and healing support extended to her in last week’s Poetry Party.)

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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10 Responses

  1. To Everyone,

    I guess I forgot the blog etiquette of thanking people afterwards. I do very much appreciate your kind words about my poetry. It is such a healing and uplifting force in my life right now. I doubt that people look back at past blogs much for new replies, but I will just say that I am headed for the most tough chemo they can give in about a week. I asked them on a scale on 1 to 10 how harsh is this regimen and they said 10. I was hoping, of course for something less! But, this week will be other tests to see where the cancer may have gone. You don’t need all the details!

    With gratitude,

  2. Pam, I absolutely LOVE your poem. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Christine, your photos with Pam’s poem make created a beautiful collaboration and meditation.