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Learning to Fly


You’ve only just arrived 
Now you’ve begun to go 
My God, how much I love you 
How my whole body aches with 
The glory that is you. 
Constantly changing, sometimes slowly, 
Sometimes in one heartbeat 
  Or the blink of an eye. 
  always becoming, 
  your self. 
Already my hands rest open 
You sitting there in the palm 
  of my hand 
Stretching your wings 
Testing the wind 
Learning to fly. 

-Rebecca Johnson


Rebecca was a participant in our most recent Awakening the Creative Spirit program.  She came with perhaps the least background in the arts and at the end of the week was bubbling over with creative possibility.  She shared this beautiful image she made inspired by the way I have been working with photos this Advent, and the accompanying poem.  Thanks for this gift Rebecca! I love seeing how the spirit continues to awaken!

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6 Responses

  1. Christine and Beck,
    Together you have blessed me with your creativity today!
    Spirit is bustin’ out all over the place in your expressions and I’m moved to be a witness. The “sight” (in my imagination) of the two of you hovering with brooding care over the visual pieces and the poems that emerge from your hearts brimming with love for those who have gone before and those who follow is a precious “sight” for me to walk with into my own memories and encounters. Texture, my dears. You have worked with texture in these expressions and I can feel the loveliness of it.
    I celebrate these loves with you! And I bless you for your investments of love and care.
    Rachelle HQH :)

  2. Suz,
    I definitely get that sense with my daughter. I wonder if it will be different with my son? I hope not. This piece surprises me every time I look at it. Tim really is a Glory and I beautiful person and I am amazed that I have been honored to be a part of his becoming.
    Thanks for your always loving feedback. You bring such light into the world. Also, am always so happy to see you and Pam at the poetry party! What an amazing group there was this time!
    Love, Rebecca

  3. Beck,
    Great job, my dear! Wow, you sure have a lot of natural talent. I think you even cut yourself a stamp there, too! I love the first two lines…so true of our children, isn’t it? We only get to hold them for a short time, and then they fly onto their own lives.

    The good news I am finding is that a new relationship evolves that is just as special as the younger mother/child relationship. I am still “Mom” but Katie and I are also great friends.

    Love you, Beck!