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The Color of Silence

***Make sure you visit this week’s Poetry Party either by scrolling down past this post or by clicking here — as usual it is an amazing array of sacred words that keeps growing*** 


“Hear blessings / dropping their blossoms / around you. ” -Rumi

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

(photos of the dahlias at Volunteer Park in Seattle)

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Sharon Clymer Landis

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6 Responses

  1. Such exquisite, lush photos, Christine. Synchronicity abounds…just read this morning from Osho:

    “That’s why in a deep presence you are the flower and the flower has become you. You are also a thought, the flower is also a thought in the mind. When there is no thinking, who is the flower and who is the one observing? The observer becomes the observed. Suddenly boundaries are lost. Suddenly you have penetrated, penetrated into the flower, and the flower has pentrated into you. Suddenly you are not two, one exists.”

    Thank you, Christine……