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Earth Teach Me

I found this beautiful prayer at The Longer Look

Earth teach me stillness
as the grasses are stilled with light.
Earth teach me suffering
as old stones suffer with memory.
Earth teach me humility
as blossoms are humble with beginning.
Earth teach me caring
as the mother who secures her young.
Earth teach me courage
as the tree which stands alone.
Earth teach me limitation
as the ant which crawls on the ground.
Earth teach me freedom
as the eagle which soars in the sky.
Earth teach me resignation
as the leaves which die in the fall.
Earth teach me regeneration
as the seed which rises in the spring.
Earth teach me to forget myself
as melted snow forgets its life.
Earth teach me to remember kindness
as dry fields weep with rain.

– A prayer from the Ute Indians

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

(photo from the forest near Cong Abbey in Ireland)

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4 Responses

  1. Thankyou…this was particularly meaningful for me as I have just returned from Carbondale Colorado, which was Ute country. I attended a full moon ceremony with a Native American Chief of this tribe. The poem so brought his heart back to me afresh.

  2. I love this Christine! Such a deep touchable expression of the true kindess of nature here. And “in the end only kindness matters” anyway (my favorite qoute, from Jewel in her song hands) : )

    Peaceful Weekend : )


  3. Lovely poem…a reminder that the Earth holds many gifts for us if we stay aware.

    Thank you!