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Open Doors


-Christine Valters Paintner@ Abbey of the Arts

(doors from top to bottom: Rock of Cashel, Strokestown Museum Gardens, “Out of the Blue” in Dingle, Cottage in Dingle, Church on Dingle Peninsula)

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14 Responses

  1. I love these open doors . . . both the visual images and the metaphoric imagery. The church family I am part of is called Open Door Fellowship, as an expression of welcoming grace, so I think open doors particularly catch my eye, although I have always loved doors in photographs, even taken a few of my own. Finding yours today was a beckoning delight.

  2. I went away for the last couple of days to Mount Rainier and left a couple of posts for you all. How fun to come back and read the enthusiastic responses! I hesitated at putting up just images, but thought it would be lovely to see what they evoked. I like Pam’s idea of using them for a writing exercise.

    Blessings to you all, Christine