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Open Doors


-Christine Valters Paintner@ Abbey of the Arts

(doors from top to bottom: Rock of Cashel, Strokestown Museum Gardens, “Out of the Blue” in Dingle, Cottage in Dingle, Church on Dingle Peninsula)

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14 Responses

  1. I love these images of doors. They bring back memories of some of my own travels – particularly in Ireland where it seemed there was always an inviting open door. I suppose it just reflects some of the Irish love of hospitality.

  2. When I first glanced at these doors, I thought “Where is the poem, the words to go with them?” But, the images are so powerful on their own. Look at the words that they have elicited from all these people already. It would be wonderful to use these images for some kind of writing exercise to see what they evoke in a number of people. What lies beyond? Each has a different feel. The last certainly brings a sense of mystery and serenity. They all set my heart stirring!

  3. Wonderful photos. I like the second door. It appears so inviting. The blue color is happy, like a friend saying, “Come on in and join us.” And there’s just enough lovely greenery inside to see to create curiosity and welcome. It looks like the entrance to a garden, or perhaps, heaven. Very nice.

  4. Thank you, Christine…they are beautiful pictures and will give me much material for meditation.

  5. I often see doors open in my life and can glimpse what lies beyond. But I find it difficult to step through, leaving the past behind and trusting in the future that God offers.

  6. Beautiful. The bottom one reminds me of a picture that means something to a man in his late seventies. It was in a group setting and several of us talked about the door being half open.
    The man who brought it reminded us that it could perhaps be half shut, as well. I wondered if for him that was because of his age, and whether it was an indication of acceptance of death (because he loved the picture). But I never quite found the words to ask.

  7. Beautiful pictures. A couple of years ago I used to frequent a blog which simply was comprised of photographs of doors and there would be a door of the month. I thought it a beautiful site – but it discontinued some time ago. Thank you for bringing doors into my life once again.