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Gifts of the Morning

We hit a record 98 degrees yesterday, but thankfully this morning is cool and delightful. Tune and I went for our usual walk and I fell in love with a vine blossom

-Christine Valters Paintner @Abbey of the Arts

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Sharon Clymer Landis

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4 Responses

  1. Welcome Elaine, thank you so much for sharing your response. I love the way you tied both posts together. Blessings to you! Christine

  2. Yes, this is a beautiful, perfect question and I’m almost scared to respond because any response will be imperfect. But I’ve thought about this all afternoon (since I read the post) and I will say:

    On this summer day,
    I will love nature back

    And I will try, today and everyday, to live “the life of the new creation in which right relation to all the rest of God’s creatures is fully restored” (Merton, as quoted in your post yesterday).