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Happy Bloggiversary to Me!


Today is my one-year blogging anniversary!  Hard to believe, it has been a truly wonderful year.  I have met so many amazing people, gifted artists, new friends.  I have received advice and encouragement on the creative journey.

I am stealing this idea from Kayce at Diamonds in the Sky With Lucy, who for her 100th post asked readers what their favorite post of hers was.  So please indulge me a little and let me know if there has been a particular reflection or image that stands out for you as a favorite, or you could just let me know what keeps you coming back.  Everyone who responds will be entered into a drawing to win a set of my Water Series Notecards which I will announce on Saturday, May 12th! As always, feel free to email me if you’d prefer.

I am so grateful to all of my faithful readers and all of you who support me in so many ways.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

(photo was taken on the ferry trip to Saltspring last Thursday — a very auspicious way to begin a retreat!)

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13 Responses

  1. Happy Anniversary! I’m so glad I found YOU and your web blog. It will be difficult to pick a favorite post because they have all been full of beauty and inspiration…..just like you ;)….but I will try to find one that stands out.

  2. Christine,

    When I first started to blog, your blog was the one of first that I started to read and it made me want to write as wonderfully as you do. Through your writing, I have learnt that every day is sacred, holy. Your posts on Lectio Divinia were brilliant and I can’t wait for the book you’re writing on that subject to be published. Your beautiful photos are inspiring and your love of great poetry are two more things that keep me coming back. I’ve been challenged by you to explore being creative, artistic and I’m just looking forward to another year of your blog for more of the same and better!

    Bless you for this year of blogging!
