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Happy Bloggiversary to Me!


Today is my one-year blogging anniversary!  Hard to believe, it has been a truly wonderful year.  I have met so many amazing people, gifted artists, new friends.  I have received advice and encouragement on the creative journey.

I am stealing this idea from Kayce at Diamonds in the Sky With Lucy, who for her 100th post asked readers what their favorite post of hers was.  So please indulge me a little and let me know if there has been a particular reflection or image that stands out for you as a favorite, or you could just let me know what keeps you coming back.  Everyone who responds will be entered into a drawing to win a set of my Water Series Notecards which I will announce on Saturday, May 12th! As always, feel free to email me if you’d prefer.

I am so grateful to all of my faithful readers and all of you who support me in so many ways.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

(photo was taken on the ferry trip to Saltspring last Thursday — a very auspicious way to begin a retreat!)

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Elaine Breckenridge

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Elaine Breckenridge’s reflection on connection with the wisdom of her body, nature, and the healing presence within. In 2015, I took my

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13 Responses

  1. Christine, Like many others I find it difficult to choose just one post – so many spoke to my heart for that particular moment in thyme. I keep coming back for the faithful, artful, and creative way you integrate faith with daily living, beauty with the challenges of life, photography with words. And throughout this there is a sense of both passion and calm.
    Happy 1st Blogiversary!

  2. christine–it has been such a delight to watch your photos evolve over the last few months. i originally started coming for your writing and continue to be drawn to that, however, when i am short on time (to read) your photos can give me a lift.

    as you know i have my own photographer in residence, so i have a pretty high standard. your writing and photos both meet and exceed that standard!!

    blessings to you and congratulations on your completed first year!!

  3. Your photos and your thoughts, as well as your choice of other’s writings, make this a wonderful place to stop for refreshment, encouragement and even the necessary spiritual challenges. Thank you, Christine!

  4. Congatulations!

    Well….it would b a toss up between your post where you said dreams were meant to be shared (early on), or your post on visio divina : )

    Paix, Wendy

  5. I’ve been thinking and I can’t narrow it down – I know it is posts with beautiful photos, just the right poem or quote, and a short but sweet question from you that points us in the right direction.

  6. What keeps me coming back? That you manage to speak with depth about important things without sounding pretentious or laboured.

    I think my favourites are your posts about Tune and Duke. You have a way of making our love of the animals that share our space unsentimental.

    And you find such wonderful poetry!

  7. I haven’t been around as long as most people, Christine, but I love your site and look forward to the calm and inspiration it brings me each day. There are so many posts I have loved but right now the one you did of the beautiful photographs of the geese and one of my favorite Mary Oliver poems is at the top.

    Thanks for your daily inspiration.

    Hugs from Suz