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Sacred Arts Ring

Have you visited the Sacred Arts Web Ring lately?  There’s lots of nourishment for the soul: 


Rich at Pilgrim Path is posting his wonderful poems, I especially love his latest two: “Eventually” and  “Angels of Comfort” about the beauty of Sabbath.  Kate at Thru My Lens Lightly shares about Happy Endings with a lovely poem and image.

Visual Art 

Bette at Surimono Garden shares the beautiful first budding of her iris.  Leah at This Far By Faith is playing around with her software to create a digitized painting of a Romans 11:5.  Britt-Arnhild at her House in the Woods always has lovely images and stories about her life in Norway, I enjoyed this photo essay of her daughter feeding the pigeons.  Me at Those Northern Skies shares some of her beautiful images of spring.

Heather Williams Durka at Icons and Sacred Images and Tom Denich at Divine Inspiration are both iconographers in the Orthodox tradition. Go visit their sites for some beautiful icons to gaze upon.  If you’re in the Olympia area today, Heather invites you to visit her as a part of the Spring Art Walk in Olympia.


Pam at Art as Prayer tells a moving story about a past tragedy at the school where she teaches and the beauty that has blossomed from it.   Cathleen at Back Road Journey reflects on her Earth Day celebration and the meaning of home.  Wendy at Bluebird of Happiness is writing about the need to cultivate peace in our livesPrairie Pastor shares about the wonderful small pleasures of life. 


Belated prayers and blessings for Owen at Onion Boy who last month lost his beloved dog Kanga.

If you have a blog or website that explores the intersection of art and faith or the simple beauties of life and you’d like to join the Sacred Arts Web Ring you can submit your site here.

Have a wonderful weekend.  May you experience the peace of Sabbath rest and the joy of spring.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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2 Responses

  1. Thanks for all the great reading, Christine. The ring is one of my favorite places to go in the wee hours of the night.