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Holy Thursday

I was praying this morning about Holy Thurday, about what it means to me that Jesus took bread and broke it, and shared it with his friends.  He said this is my body.  He poured the wine and said this is my blood.  These words have rippled through time and woven us together in a common narrative.  I thought about the ways that sharing of food across cultures and religious traditions has great significance.  Meals become sacred acts.  Breaking bread and pouring wine are sacraments because they immerse us in the nourishment of all that is holy and remind us that any divisions between us are illusions.  They lift the veil for a time and we live as if we truly believed this.

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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8 Responses

  1. Welcome Dianna and thanks for the comment! Yes, we should all be dipped liberally in powdered sugar. :-) (sorry your comment didn’t appear right away, sometimes new commenters get thrown into the spam folder until I go in and approve them). Blessings!

  2. A comment on Diamondsintheskywithlucy brought me to your site tonight and the poem just gave me goose bumps – so true what bonds and trust women seem to make so quickly. Here’s to powdered sugar on all our chins!

  3. thank you, christine. the poem fills me with both hope and sadness. hope that it will be and sadness that it is not yet.

  4. A wonderfully rich poem, and an invitation to be communion wherever we are, whatever our circumstances may be ~ a beautiful reminder that “not everything is lost.” Blessings of communion to you!

  5. Christine,
    Thank you. For some reason, I really needed to read that this evening. It touched me. If only we all could get closer to this. “This can still happen anywhere. Not everything is lost.” And thanks be to God.

    My dear sister, have a joyous Easter.