Visit the Abbey of the Arts online retreat platform to access your programs:


I am back from my trip to Tofino, it takes about 9 hours to travel back between the 3-hour drive to the ferry, waiting for the ferry, the 2-hour ferry ride, the 1-hour wait at the border and then another 2 hours home.  But it is so worth it because Tofino feels wild and remote.  I had a wonderful time:  walking along the beach, taking lots of photos, doing lots of art (I am hooked on carving, Bette!), reading, writing, reflecting on directions for my sabbatical time, gazing at stars on clear nights, eating wonderful food, and just being with my sweet husband.  I feel tired from the trip home, but renewed and enlivened about art and nature and all the things that make life truly worth the struggles.

I have to organize my photos and find the right ink to show off my new stamps, so I have lots to share in the days ahead.  I just wanted to check in and say I am thinking of you, dear readers, and have returned filled with inspiration.

The photo above is from our first night when we stayed at this wonderful B&B in Victoria on the way up to help break up the trip.  In the morning the sun splattered through the leaded glass windows and framed this copper vessel.  It made me think of the vessel of my life, what it is filled with, and how it is illuminated.

I hope you are enjoying these midwinter days and anticipating the promise of a new year!

-Christine Valters Paintner

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8 Responses

  1. Thank you, thank you wonderful women for all of your warm and welcoming words! (apparently I am feeling alliterative today!) :-) While it was good to be out in the wild for a while, it is also very good to be home again.

    Blessings to all of you! Christine

  2. Welcome Home ~ to your home and to your blog! The image of the vessel could be extended in that your art, writing, photos, all that you share then fills the vessels of your readers, inspiring us to look within, follow the call of creativity, and live more intentionally. I sense that many will receive from the gifts of your time away and now your sabbatical. May the fruits of your spirit continue to grow. Cathleen

  3. Mmmm, sounds like such a lovely trip! Its making me nostalgic for my past time in BC, which was riverside in a teeny tiny wilderness town, I just loved it. Your carving too sounds very healing.

    Hope you continue to have a wonderful Christmas season Christine, and a Very Blessed New Year : ) Wendy

  4. Welcome Home, Crazy Carving Christine!!! Hee hee :) Sounds like you’re filled with relaxation, creation, and inspiration! I look forward to seeing your photo and stamped images but please do take your time. There is no hurry….especially after such a lovely time away. I love ferry rides….oh my oh my! I left you some neck and arm exercise ideas on my blog, sweetie. Glad to hear your vessel has been filled.
    love and hugs,