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Room for Christ

It is no use saying that we are born two thousand years too late to give room to Christ.  Nor will those who live at the end of the world have been born too late.  Christ is always with us, always asking for room in our hearts. But now it is with the voice of our contemporaries that he speaks, with the eyes of store clerks, factory workers, and children that he gazes; with the hands of office workers, slum dwellers, and suburban housewives that we gives.  It is with the feet of soldiers and tramps that he walks, and with the heart of anyone in need that he longs for shelter.  And giving shelter or food to anyone who asks for it, or needs it, is giving it to Christ.

-from Dorothy Day, “Room for Christ” in Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas

Blessings on all of your Christmas celebrations!  May you experience a deep sense of joy at new birth.  May you find room in your heart for all of the gifts this season brings.

Image is “Kiss Goodnight” from the artist Miska

See you in the New Year! 

-Christine Valters Paintner

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10 Responses

  1. Likewise Bette, I am especially grateful for the carving inspiration. I have been loving it and have carved a series of four stamps for the four elements over our vacation which I will share when we return in a day or two. Lots of photos too of this most beautiful place. I do have dreams of one day moving to Canada, although I love Seattle.

    Hope you are enjoying time with your beloved! Blessings to you too!

    (I love Miska’s art as well!)

  2. Thank you dear Christine. I am deeply grateful to have met you. Hope your Christmas was beautiful – just as you are! – and may you find many blessings in 2007!
    Love, Bette :)

  3. Thank you Lisa, how wonderful that the books are already be passed along.

    Thanks Me, I just love this quote, Dorothy Day says it so well.

    You too Trish, it has been a gift for me too! Blessed holidays to you, we have been enjoying your Beloved CD while on our trip for some holiday cheer and reflection.

    Love to all of you, Christine

  4. Wonderful. Have a beautiful Christmas and New Year’s Holiday. I got the second set of books! Thank you. :) I have already passed “The Art of Soul” along to someone whom I know will enjoy it.