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An Ancient Muse

I am so excited, I just discovered that one of my absolute favorite musicians, Loreena McKennitt is releasing a new album next week titled An Ancient Muse!  How much do I love her?  Well I wrote a glowing review of her music eight years ago for Sojourners magazine (can’t believe that is still available online) which was the last time she had a new album!  I am beside myself with joy.  And I had just sworn off buying any new music or books for a while. . .she is definitely an exception.

A post coming in the morning on dreams. . .

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8 Responses

  1. Hi again Me, I found the song you were referring to on her album Parallel Dreams, very lovely. I haven’t listened to that album in quite a while. I know the dream post is pretty long, I wove together some notes I already had from my teaching. You are welcome!

    Hi Zorra, glad to find another fan! I have been honestly debating whether to pre-order from Amazon or run to the store on the 21st . . . since it would definitely be an early Christmas gift for me.

  2. Wonderful! She is my husband’s very favorite singer. I immediately clicked the link to Amazon and ordered it for him! Christmas is coming!

  3. Sorry it is a compilation…I like the entire album very much, if you are interested I will look up the info.

    I am going to have to slow down and do a better job of absorbing the last posts and its references!! Thanks for posting them.

  4. Hi Bette, glad you liked the review, it has been a long time since I looked at it. I have a number of books and CD’s to try and sell before I start getting more.

    Hi Me, I am not familiar with that album, is it one of hers or a compilation?

    Hi A, good to see you hear! I should have known several of my readers would be fans of hers.

  5. Do you know her song “Dicken’s Dublin (The Palace)? ” it is on an album I have called “Kindred Spirits”

  6. Good morning :)
    What a great review you wrote eight years ago on Loreena’s music and lyrics. How interesting in the end of your review you mentioned the “muse” in her endeavors and it is actually part of her new cd title. I have almost all her cds and LOVE them to pieces. Haven’t listened to them for awhile, but will be now AND running to the cd store on Nov. 21!
    Thanks for the info. When I try to not buy books, it never works!! That is when I take the ones I don’t want anymore and get cash for them at Half Price Book Store. (an addictive place).
    Hope your day is relaxing and peaceful.
    Peace and Hugs,