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Simple Musings and Offerings

There are lots of things percolating in me right now.  I almost feel as though if I dare to speak them too soon I will lose my grasp.  So I am allowing them a little more time.  I am working on a post about dreams to respond to Cathleen‘s comment and Me‘s comment to previous posts of mine which I will be able to finish tomorrow.

I have also been thinking a lot about the Liturgy of the Hours lately.  Then I just read Jorge’s post about The Liturgy of the Toddler and just loved it.  I don’t even have children, but if you’ve ever struggled with distractions to prayer, you’ll get a chuckle from his words.  Definitely worth a visit.

I am dog-sitting for a friend today and tomorrow.  I told her I could use some canine company if she ever was going out of town for a couple of days.  So Raffi and I are settling in together.  I am looking forward to some furry snuggling and just noticing what it feels like to have a dog in the house again. 

Last week, as a result of some of the stress I was carrying, I found myself waking up early and unable to fall back asleep.  One particular morning I looked outside and noticed a tree across the street that extends above the top of the building with crimson sky in the background.  A gift to those who rise to greet the dawn.

And finally part of a poem I received today in my daily Panhala email (I encourage you to sign up for this wonderful gift each day):

Excerpted from What’s In the Temple

I miss the old temples where you could hang out with God.
Still, we have pet pounds where you can feel love draped in warm fur,
And sense the whole tragedy of life and death.
You see there the consequences of carelessness,
And you feel there the yapping urgency of life that wants to be lived.
The only things lacking are the frankincense and myrrh.

We don’t build many temples anymore.
Maybe we learned that the sacred can’t be contained.
Or maybe it can’t be sustained inside a building.
Buildings crumble.
It’s the spirit that lives on.

If you had a temple in the secret spaces of your heart,
What would you worship there?
What would you bring to sacrifice?
What would be behind the curtain in the holy of holies?

Go there now.

-Tom Barrett from Keeping in Touch

Wonderful questions, go there now indeed. 

Blessings dear friends,  Christine

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8 Responses

  1. Christine, So many rich offerings in one post as well as the posts that follow… I was quite taken by the poem and have signed up for Panhala email. I hope that Raffi’s visit is enjoyable for both of you! And one of my sacred temples these days seems to be the old read barn – right in my back yard. But perhaps the closest temple is within when I slow down enough to enter. Blessings, Cathleen

  2. Hi Christine,
    I hope you feel more energized today, but if not….”Hakuna matata”…right? :)

    At my church, I’m just a committee chair. Keeps me plenty busy and usually more busy than I prefer!


  3. Hi Bette,
    I will have a post on dreams done in the morning, almost finished writing, but I have been tired lately and so feel like I am moving more slowly and trying to take my time with things.

    Congrats on the new kitty, can’t wait to see the photos! I am definitely not a morning person, and so those rare times I am awake at dawn are few and far between. How wonderful about your inner temple moment. Do you work for the church? (you mentioned picking up your mail there)

  4. Hi Christine,
    I know this feeling about things percolating. I also look forward to your dream posts. I can hardly remember my dreams, but know they are doozies.

    Speaking of toddlers, we have a new kitty in our home. Need I say more? The other day I found the kitty in our kitchen trash looking up at me with chocolate pudding on his nose. Wish I had a photo of that one. But I will post a few photos of Butters soon.

    I love your pink dawn tree. I get up with the kids at 6 am and usually experience the morning beauty even though I don’t consider myself an early riser.

    Regarding the end of your post….I did go there indeed! and it was tonight and unplanned! Me, my soul, and I are currently searching for one of those “old temples” speak of in the poem. I stopped by our church this evening at about 6:30 before all the evening meetings started, to pick up my mail. Then I stepped into the dark and quiet sanctuary for a few minutes and just stood there enveloped in the deepest peace I’ve felt in awhile, staring at the skylight and the red sanctuary lamp, I felt the ever-presence of the Sacredness of God within and the achy stress melting away from my shoulders. I guess the “old temple” is right here in my own sanctuary, and now that I’ve experienced its peaceful sacred silence again, I will try to do it on a regular basis….alone in the dark and in the loving shroud of prayer.

    Thanks for the poem and for Raffi’s pic.

    Peace and hugs,

  5. Christine what a beautiful poem, a gentle reminder that we are the ” new ” temple, sacred spaces that the divine inhabits…go there now. Yes, and often.