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Dear ones, I am feeling very tired.  I have been pushing to get the draft done of our lectio divina book (which it finally is, now for editing!), I teach all day tomorrow and Saturday the Awakening program I love (but always exhausting), and I am having some conflicts with a good friend which is emotionally draining.  So I am feeling my humanness especially right now and trying to listen deeply and gently to myself in the midst all that is stirring in me.  I am aware of my longings for Sabbath, for time to just play and be with my husband, for the spaciousness that awaits me in another month.  I sat down to the computer tonight wanting to be inspiring, but realized that for today my offering would have to be simple.  First, a photo from my walk last Monday that moves me with its dark branches that reach across the bluest autumn sky, ready to release a thousand leaves in a confetti of surrender.

May you release whatever needs to be let go.  May your days be filled with openings to life.  May you always have enough.  And may your weekend be blessed with time for rest and play.

-Christine Valters Paintner

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10 Responses

  1. I agree completely Carmen, and I am usually one to live true to my feelings. For some reason with everything that was going on I think my longing was to be inspired, and yet I had to admit that the invitation was to be present to feeling stuck. Thanks for your lovely words.

  2. christine-
    The willingness to be honest that you too suffer from daily ups and downs in life can be more inspiring than the facade of serenity and perfection. We all struggle with balance in our lives and with conflict. Sometimes, it is in the sharing of those imperfections that we can do the greatest good. It is your openness, honesty, and the beauty of your heart and intention that is enough.

  3. Hi Kayce, So good to see you here again! Thank you for your kind words. It is such a wonderful group of women in our program including you! You bring a wonderful spirit and energy and I am really enjoying getting to know you and playing alongside you.
    Blessings, Christine

  4. christine–
    blessings to you this beautiful fall morning. thank you for the gift of yourself the past two days. i love the reminder of “enough” and i smile as i remember how you encouraged each of us this weekend to be o.k. that something is enough (including us)! fondly–kayce
    p.s. i love the photo. it reminds me of some images i took yesterday on our wonderful wet walk.

  5. Thanks Wendy! It is the draft that is done and now my co-author is in charge of editing (since I did most of the writing). Paulist Press anticipates publishing it in spring 2008, which is still a while away. Unfortunately I don’t think they do do many e-books.

    Hi Cathleen, yes trusting the enoughness of things has been an ongoing journey for me. I have a CD of David Whyte that I do love and I just borrowed another one from the library. Thank you for the prayers and blessings.

    Last night I got a really good and long night’s sleep — about 11 hours! And so I feel more renewed today. Yesterday’s session went so well and there is lots bubbling in me already. I have one more day of teaching today and then tomorrow John and I celebrate by going to a really nice brunch and then spending the whole day together.

    I definitely have space for some rest this week and that will be a gift.

    Peace and blessings to you both, Christine

  6. The call to “be” and trusting that that is enough… our bodies help us learn this over and over, don’t they? Thank you for your words to remind us.

    Have you heard David Whyte speak his poems? My spiritual director often uses his CD to begin our sessions ~ they are quite moving.

    Prayers and blessings for holy rest, for resolution of conflict, for celebration of work completed!

  7. Sounds like a time to REST. I doubt anyone is going anywhere if you choose to take a real restorative break : )

    And congratulations on finishing the book! Will it be available in e book form at all? I really prefer those because I’m trying to go more paperless…

  8. Thanks Jules and Bette! I deeply appreciate your comments and an affirmation of the gift of simplicity. And Bette, thank you for your wonderful gifts of poetry, this is another stunning one. I am very honored. Blessings, Christine

  9. Good morning Christine….I’m sending you healing thoughts and prayers. May your Awakening program awaken you and your students ;) I hope the conflict you’re experiencing is resolved soon and melts that uneasy, churning you must be feeling. Love David’s poem.

    a haiku just for you today:

    Morning meditation–
    the frost on the hilltop melts
    before the valley.


    Peace and hugs!