Visit the Abbey of the Arts online retreat platform to access your programs:

Just a few simple offerings

Michelle has left a comment under my previous post of her Litany for the Wounded with ways to help support the work she is doing, so please click here to go read! (scroll all the way down)She is doing such meaningful work and Michelle is a woman with a passion for justice and being present to those on the margins.

And once you have read that, go over to Story Midwife and read the incredible post Trish has written about creating an Altar of Attending for women who are dying.  I drink in great writing about grief and dying like wine and I am so moved.  Know that I keep vigil with you Trish.

I had a wonderful class again this morning, such an engaged group of students, it is energizing to teach them.  Then a lovely afternoon of seeing my spiritual director, getting a massage, and taking a bath.  So I am just savoring some stillness right now.  The next few days I have an article to write for the UCLA Spirituality and Higher Education Newsletter, they are doing an upcoming issue on spirituality and artistic expression and I was asked to contribute and I am almost done with the draft of our lectio divina book.  I am pushing a bit this week because next week I am taking a few days of retreat, but more on that later. . .

For now, I just offer another photo from yesterday’s pilgrimage:

Are there windows in your life that point you to the beauty of the world?

-Christine Valters Paintner

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10 Responses

  1. One of my windows of beauty has been blogs such as yours, Trish’s and Bette’s. What a gift, that when I can’t get out much, beauty can come to me via a computer screen. The window by our computer has become another such window of beauty ~ even as today the wind blows the leaves away and snow is forecasted for tonight! Warm autumn blessings! Cathleen

  2. Thanks so much for saying that Wendy, I have been feeling like there is a shift happening as well. Perhaps it is just the fruit of regular practice and commitment, but it also feels a lot like grace. I am realizing that I have long worked at crafting my writing, but the arts have been primarily for play and expression. It is fun to start to take some of the art forms I love a bit more seriously and see what can happen when I bring the attention of craft to them. And how wonderful I have a place to share them with others!
    Blessings, Christine

  3. Hi Bette, I guess my comment did give that impression. Actually I see my spiritual director and my massage therapist in two different places, but I intentionally scheduled them together so I could have a Sabbath afternoon before diving into my writing today. Then after massage I headed home for a hot bath. A great triple play! :-) And I do know of two massage therapists (mine included) who are discerning ways they might integrate spiritual direction into their massage sessions. So it would be wonderful to have them together under one roof!

  4. Christine, what type of place do you go for spiritual direction AND massage? How wonderful it seems to have them under one roof. I’m pretty sure our Lutheran Pastor Vicki only gives spiritual direction.

  5. Thanks Trish, it is the window on one of the old buildings of an art school, so Monet would be very appropriate.

    Welcome Lorna and thanks for your comment! I haven’t made it around to every single RevGals Blog either, and each week there are more and more!

    Thanks Bette, Monday morning felt like a lot of grace was flowing. I wholeheartedly recommend the spiritual direction/massage combination. Talking got lots of things bubbling in me and then I just lay on the table and let them sink into my flesh and bones. So share some of photos of that pond at some point!

    Blessings, Christine

  6. Oh Christine, I’m excited for your Spirituality & Higher Education contribution and lectio divinia book! Yeah!

    I agree with Trish on this window’s reflection looking like a Monet! Nature created its own stained-glass window. What a keen eye you had on your pilgrimage.

    Hey….I sure could use spiritual direction and a massage, too ;)

    I think our pond is one of the windows in my life that points to the beauty of the world. I stare in meditation into its reflections of the sky and the trees and sometimes me if I’m standing “close” enough. Thanks be to God!

    Bless You!

  7. what a beautiful window.

    Also I don’t think I’ve read your blog before (even though you are in RevGals) …but I love the layout too.

  8. Ah, such a lovely window! It resembles a Monet watercolor painted by skies and trees atop a glass canvas.

    Thank you for keeping vigil with us all!
